
angle-left Transition from asymptomatic colonization to disease by human respiratory-tract bacteria as a target for vaccines and antimicrobial therapy: The CoDiCo (colonisation to disease concepts) project
Codice Progetto o altro Identificativo
Denominazione Progetto
Progetto PRIN 2020 – Cod. 202089LLEH
Tipologia di finanziamento
Tipologia ambito della fonte di finanziamento
Fonte di finanziamento
Fondi PRIN 2020
Sottoprogramma/ASSE /Misura/Azione/Linea di finanziamento
Settore LS6 – Fondi Ordinari
Call e/o Bando specifici
Bando PRIN 2020 - Decreto Direttoriale n. 1628 del 16 ottobre 2020
Referente Scientifico (nome e cognome)
Pietro Alifano
Compagine Progettuale
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna; Università degli Studi di Catania; Università degli Studi Roma Tre; Università degli Studi di Siena; Università del Salento
Data inizio
Data fine
Thanks to vaccines and antimicrobial drugs the mortality from all communicable diseases including malaria, tuberculosis and diarrhoea is decreasing, except for the lower respiratory tract infections which still remain the infections with the highest death rate; all this even before COVID-19. There is no simple and good justification for this situation. We hypothesise that there are key issues in the pathogenesis of invasive disease originating from pathogens in the respiratory tract which have not been explored. We are proposing a project with the overarching aim to develop new concepts to tackle the progression from asymptomatic carriage to invasive disease. The CoDiCo (colonisation to disease concepts) project will analyse the events which shape the decisions of the host cells by testing the early events of respiratory host-pathogen interaction. Five independent but interlinked work packages will explore with a panel of pathogens complementary aspects of host cell invasion in in vivo infection models, in ex vivo models including organoids and by performing virus-bacterium coinfection in cell cultures. The Biomarker discovery will complement the molecular and cellular work and aim to provide concrete outputs including new ways of host-targeted anti-infective therapy. To optimise the exploitation of the wide spectrum of expertise in the research units, we have planned an iterative monthly discussion platform. This will both serve for training of our early career researches, but most importantly be the stage on which to discuss and develop the new concepts we envisage to contribute to the understanding of the pathogenesis of invasive infection arising from the respiratory tract with a long term goal to decrease the mortality and extensive economic burden placed by respiratory infection worldwide.
Ambito tecnologico produttivo
Biotecnologie per la salute dell’uomo