

Coronavirus - prorogata la scadenza per le domande per il Programma CREATIVE EUROPE

A causa delle difficoltà incontrate dai richiedenti a causa dell'epidemia di coronavirus, i termini per la presentazione delle domande agli inviti di seguito sono stati prorogati come segue:


“Cultural Heritage in Action” peer-learning scheme for local authorities financed by Creative Europe.

The deadline for this open call for local authorities to submit good practices on their cultural heritage actions has been extended until 27 April 2020, 17:00 pm CET.

EACEA 39/2019

Cultural Cooperation Projects in the Western Balkans 2019

The deadline for the call for proposals for “Strengthening cultural cooperation with and competiveness of cultural and creative industries in the Western Balkans” has been extended until 28 April 2020, 17:00 pm CET.


Co-Creation and Co-Production scheme for the music sector

The deadline for this call for the 2019 Preparatory Action “Music Moves Europe: Boosting European diversity and talent” has been extended until 30 April 2020, 13:00 pm CET.


Music education and learning .

The deadline for this call for the 2019 Preparatory Action “Music Moves Europe: Boosting European diversity and talent” has been extended until 30 April 2020, 13:00 pm CET.



Programma: Creative Europe (CREA)

Stato: Aperto


Tipo bando: Comunitario

Data di apertura: 2020/03/26

Data di chiusura: 2020/04/30